Nourish & Care

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Nourish & Care is our company that has been formed to create a portfolio of eco friendly, amazingly healthy & super cutting edge products to benefit humans and the world they live in!

Our first product range - Milky Almonds, is the world's first almond milk that has been created by two health professionals (A pharmacist & a naturopath). It's very unlike all other almond milk (dairy milk alternatives) on the market.

- It contains naturally derived Calcium & Vitamin D (made sense adding this as we come from a health background and no else out there in the market does this)
- It contains no unrefined sugars
- It contains no preservatives
- Made in Australia
- It does not present as a liquid (hence there being no preservative needed). Milky Almonds is a specific formula created in 40gm parcels intended for the consumer to blend with 1L of water (for 1min) to make their own fresh supply of almond milk.
- Our product is super sustainable - the carton is recyclable and every 8L (320gm).

How to order?

Online or through our amazing stockists. See our website below.

Minimum order?

No minimum order

Deliver to?

Yes, Nourish & Care delivers to !

Sorry, Nourish & Care doesn't deliver to .



Dietary Categories

Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Vegan, Vegetarian